

ウクライナの有名歌手のメドレーを聴きませんか? - 8月24日はウクライナの独立記念日 (1)









(インタビュアー)Volodya(ゼレンスキーの愛称)、あなたは学校で外交官になりたいと思っていて、MGIMO(モスクワ国際関係大学)に入る準備さえしていたというのは本当ですか? 多くの人が望む大学に?









Владимир Зеленский. 1/3. "В гостях у Дмитрия Гордона" (2018)














国際社会の中のロシア(5/06 国連安保理 各国発言)有名な自作自演 [抜粋]






インド    1:16:28



メキシコ   1:18:40




フランス     1:21:14





アラブ首長国連邦     1:26:38



ノルウェー     1:28:55



アルバニア    1:33:13




ガーナ     1:38:57



アイルランド    1:40:40



もちろんロシアでは、この苦しみを抑える非常に簡単な方法が 1つあります。この不当な戦争を止めてください。


米国     1:44:00




英国    1:45:06


ロシアは、ウクライナ東部での分離主義者の紛争を扇動し、煽り立てました。ロシアは分離主義者を支援し、ロシアのBUK ミサイルでマレーシアの MH 17 便をウクライナ上空で撃墜し、298 人の罪のない民間人を殺害した。そして、ロシアはウクライナ国境に 100,000 人以上の軍隊を訓練の偽装の下に集結させ、主権民主主義国家に対して本格的で挑発的でない計画的な攻撃を開始しました。この侵略は国際社会から圧倒的に非難され、ウクライナ国民は勇敢に抵抗してきました。クレムリンは偽情報作戦を使ってウクライナの主権を弱体化させ、虚偽の偽りのふりを作成し、真実を覆い隠し、ウクライナ国民への攻撃の残虐性を隠しています。


ケニア    1:48:47




ガボン    1:53:08



ブラジル    1:57:54




中国    2:01:32



シリア    2:04:01



















Well-known Fake, Council Members’ Reaction to Russian Report - UNSC (Security Council) May 6th 2022 [Excerpt]

Council Members’ Reaction to Russian Report at  


Click time after the country name, then open the movie starting the country representative.


India    1:16:28

India has strongly condemned the killing of civilians in Bucha and supported the call for an independent investigation. We support all efforts to alleviate the suffering of the people of Ukraine.


Mexico    1:18:40

Mexico is deeply concerned about reports that indicate that as a result of Russia's aggression in Ukraine, we are facing grave breaches of international human rights and international humanitarian law.

We need impartial and fact checked information by neutral sources that will also put an end to the information war that has further fueled the animosity between the parties and the international community at large.


France     1:21:14

Russia will not succeed in transforming into realities, the fantasies its uses to justify atrocities in its war of aggressions against Ukraine. In the face of this treacherous disinformation maneuvers, we, in the United Nations must rely first and foremost on the facts established by the competent bodies of the United Nations system.

We support the work of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

France has worked tirelessly since 2015, together with Germany for the implementation of the Minsk agreements, .... It was Russia and Russia alone, that choose to put an end to the path of dialogue and negotiation and to resort to violence and destruction.


United Arab    1:26:38

We are concerned by the scale of disinformation and hate speech that has been amplified by technology and has been harmful to both civilians and humanitarian workers.


Norway    1:28:55

We're witnessing the Russian Federation's misuse of the United Nations and its privileged position within it as a platform for disinformation and as a smokescreen to draw attention away from the brutal warfare it is waging against the Ukrainian people. The intensity of this disinformation campaign is alarming. Russia has failed to offer any credible evidence for its accusations or to cooperate with international bodies tasked with gathering facts and documentation. Russia has instead made unsubstantiated claims and insinuations. Today's meeting is nothing more than another attempt to spread confusion and deflect attention from Russia's role as aggressor in the illegal invasion of Ukraine. 


Albnia    1:33:13

As we heard today in the framework of the disinformation campaign as well, Russia has invaded its neighbor pretending violations of the rights of the Russian speaking population in Ukraine. There are competent and efficient international institutions where these concerns could have been addressed. The International Court of Justice has found no evidence of the alleged crimes committed by Ukrainians, and has formally ordered Russia to immediately stop its military aggression in Ukraine.

Russia keeps repeating its false narrative, but it did not manage to convince International Court of Justice. It has not managed to convince the United Nations General Assembly and he does not manage to convince the world. 


Ghana    1:38:57

Ghana maintains that all violations of international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, as well as atrocities committed by whomever in Ukraine should be the subject of independent, impartial and thorough investigations, to establish the facts, assign responsibility and hold all perpetrators accountable for their actions and inactions. 


Ireland    1:40:40

There have been unprecedented calls for accountability for crimes committed in the wake of Russia's invasion. These calls have been matched by the international community's swift action, including the establishment of the Human Rights Council's commission of inquiry, the investigation of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court documentation by the UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine, and reporting by the OSC, Moscow mechanisms mission of experts. Russia's constant criticism and refusal to engage with these bodies speaks volumes on how little it values achieving accountability in Ukraine.

Russia's tactics of subversion that disinformation deter us in our support for justice will not to terrorists and our support for justice for Ukraine and its people.

Russia, we say there is one very simple way to hold this suffering. Stop this unjustifiable war. 


United States    1:44:00

Russia's misuse of the Security Council in the UN is not new.

And this trend started long before the full scale invasion of Ukraine this year. The Russian Federation's mission to the UN has been using the Security Council to spread disinformation, lies and false narratives for years. The representative of the Russian Federation seems to think that repeating lies makes them true. But it only makes Russia's tactics more transparent for the entire world to see. Russia has never been more isolated. As the United States has said before, Russia must stop its war of aggression against Ukraine and stop using the Security Council to spread lies and disinformation.


United Kingdom    1:45:06

It is often been said about propaganda that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. We have a duty to stop that from happening. The Russian Federation systematically attempts to spread false narratives about Neo Nazis and imaginary NATO threats against Russia to justify its illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. But it won't succeed because the facts tell a different story.

 Russia instigated and fueled the secessionist conflict in eastern Ukraine was dragged on for almost eight years, and led to the deaths of over 13,000 people. Russian backed separatists with a Russian BUK missile shot down Malaysian flight MH 17 over Ukraine, killing 298 innocent civilians. And then Russia amassed over 100,000 troops on Ukraine's border under the false pretense of exercises and launched a full scale, unprovoked premeditated attack against a sovereign democratic state. This invasion has been overwhelmingly condemned by the international community, and the Ukrainian people have resisted it heroically. The Kremlin uses disinformation operations to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty to create false, false pretense, to obscure the truth and to hide the brutality of its assault on Ukraine's people. 


Kenya    1:48:47

Our solidarity is with the people of Ukraine who are suffering from the attacks, atrocities and war crimes underway.

We also recognize the agony of survivors and families that comes with deliberate or accidental disputation of their experiences in public record. As such, we must observe that there are unprecedented efforts by multiple organized state and non-state actors to shape the information environment.

Gabon    1:53:08

It is important to bear in mind the stark reality that there is no crime, crimes or crimes without war.


Brazil    1:57:54

We renew our belief for a broad, effective and immediate ceasefire and call on Russia and Ukraine to resume negotiations conducive to a political solution to the conflict.

We call on Russia and Ukraine to work towards agreements to allow civilians wishing to flee the hostilities to those in safety. Those who decide to stay cannot become targets of attacks.

China    2:01:32

The relevant circumstances and specific causes of incidents should be verified and established and any accusations should be based on facts.


Syria    2:04:01

Thanks, representative of the Russia Federation for organizing this important meeting, which provides an opportunity for the member states to realize the truth of what is happening in Ukraine and expose the false allegations and misleading whistling campaigns and harming the Russian Federation.

[End of Excerpt] 


Later part of 

The situation in Ukraine - UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting organized by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation

06 May 2022


Council Members’ Reaction to Russian Report at  



Click time after the country name, then open the movie starting the country representative.


This is excerpt to show what the council members said about the Russian report.

To see full sentence:


国際社会の中のロシア(5/06 国連安保理 各国発言)有名な自作自演 [全文]







議長 (ロシア)       1:16:20



インド    1:16:28



議長 (ロシア)



メキシコ   1:18:40



議長 (ロシア)



フランス     1:21:14

大統領、私はロシア代表団が主催するこの会議に参加します。シンプルなメッセージを伝える。ロシアは、ウクライナに対する侵略戦争で残虐行為を正当化するために使用する空想を現実に変えることに成功しないだろう。この危険な偽情報作戦に直面して、私たち国連は何よりもまず、国連システムの権限ある機関によって確立された事実に頼らなければなりません。国連総会は、国連憲章に違反するロシアの侵略を繰り返し力強く非難してきました。彼らが 3 月 16 日に設立した国際司法裁判所は、ウクライナにおけるロシアの軍事作戦を停止することを求めた。ロシア軍がウクライナで犯した残虐行為の数を考えると、国際人道法と人権の違反の加害者が不処罰されないようにしなければなりません。フランスは、事実が公平かつ独立して確立され、ウクライナで犯された犯罪の責任者が責任を問われるようにするためのあらゆる努力を支持します。我々は、ウクライナ検事総長の活動を支援します。我々は、人権理事会調査委員会による設立を支持し、ウクライナの状況を ICC 検察官に付託した。調査の開始と現地へのチームの展開を歓迎します。フランスは、50 万ユーロの任意拠出などを通じて、ICC に具体的な支援を提供しています。我々はすべての国に対し、公平な事実、事実調査メカニズム、国際法廷を支持し、協力するよう求める。私たちはまた、ウクライナ当局の調査を支援するために現地に調査員を派遣しました。2022 年 2 月 24 日の侵略前のウクライナの状況について、ロシアが提示した政治的物語にも触れたいと思います。ドンバスでの戦争を終結させるためにロシアとウクライナの両方が説明したように、ミンスク協定の実施のためにドイツと協力しましたが、これらの協定の実施は簡単な作業ではありませんでした。しかし、それは地域の状況を解決するための平和的な方法でした。対話と交渉の道に終止符を打ち、暴力と破壊に訴えることを選択したのは、ロシアとロシアだけでした。大統領、正当化するために真っ逆さまに急いでいる ロシア当局は、ロシア首相と彼の内閣が第二次世界大戦の残虐行為にふけっている最悪のとんでもない歴史的操作に頼っていますが、正当化することはできません。そうすれば、この容認できない忌まわしいレトリックが、ウクライナにおけるロシアの偽情報と闘い続けることができます。これらの怒りは危険です。ヘイトスピーチを矮小化し、最悪の残虐行為を可能にしたロシア当局は、責任を問われなければならない。どうもありがとうございました。


議長 (ロシア)



アラブ首長国連邦     1:26:38

議長、ブリーフィングの方々のご参加に感謝し、簡単な発言をしたいと思います。まず、4 人近くが最も多かったのは民間人であることをもう一度強調しておきます。私たちは、テクノロジーによって増幅され、民間人と人道支援従事者の両方に有害な偽情報とヘイトスピーチの規模に懸念を抱いています。その代わりに、公平な調査、データ収集、および報告を通じて、現場で事実を判断することに集中する必要があります。最も困難な状況においても正確な報道を提供するために、紛争の最前線で命を危険にさらしたすべてのジャーナリストに感謝します。第二に、紛争当事者に対し、国際人道法の下での義務を厳格かつ完全に遵守するよう求めることを繰り返します。犠牲者と生存者に正義がもたらされるように、説明責任の必要性を強調します。第三に、ロシアとウクライナへの訪問を含む事務総長の努力に感謝します。私たちは、ウクライナロシア連邦の国連当局と赤十字国際委員会の調整を通じて、民間人の安全な避難に関して最近見られた進歩を歓迎し、勇気づけられます。この紛争に巻き込まれた民間人の自主的かつ安全な通行を促進するためのさらなる進展が期待されます。最後に、私たちは、この紛争がウクライナの民間人にもたらした恐ろしい被害について、深い懸念を表明します。そして、敵対行為の停止と、この紛争の解決策の交渉を呼びかけます。理論は、対話を促進し、この戦争に終止符を打つための努力を支持しています。昨日強調したように、それはウクライナ、ロシア、そして全世界の人々のために不可欠です。ありがとうございます、座長。


議長 (ロシア)



ノルウェー     1:28:55

ありがとう議長。はじめに、今日の議論のトピックの枠組みとコンセプト ノートで提示された主張に関するノルウェーの懸念を表明させてください。繰り返しになりますが、私たちは、ロシア連邦が国連とその中での特権的な地位を偽情報のプラットフォームとして、またウクライナの人々に対して繰り広げている残忍な戦争から注意をそらすための煙幕として悪用していることを目の当たりにしています。この偽情報キャンペーンの激しさは驚くべきものです。ロシアは、その非難に対して信頼できる証拠を提供することも、事実と文書の収集を任務とする国際機関に協力することもできませんでした。ロシアは代わりに、根拠のない主張とほのめかしを行っています。今日の会議は、混乱を広め、ウクライナへの不法侵攻における侵略者としてのロシアの役割から注意をそらすための別の試みにすぎません。国連憲章は、ロシアを含むすべての国に適用されます。ロシアのウクライナ侵攻が、国連憲章を含む国際法に対する露骨な違反であることは疑いの余地がない。特別な軍事作戦ではありません。それは他の主権国家に対する違法な侵略です。選択戦争です。ノルウェーはロシアの戦法に愕然としている。数多くの信頼できる報告書が、民間人に対して行われた執拗な攻撃と想像を絶する残虐行為を恐ろしく詳細に説明しています。これらの残虐行為は人類の良心に衝撃を与えます。 OSAE モスクワ機構報告書で概説されているように、ロシア軍とその代理人によって組織的かつ大規模な戦争犯罪が犯されているという明確かつ豊富な兆候があります。すべての関係者に国際人道法と国際人権法を厳格に尊重するよう呼びかける、ウクライナに対する侵略決議の総会の採択は、国際社会から重要なシグナルを送るものです。国際法違反を放置することはできません。国際法はオプションではありません。残虐行為に関するすべての報告は適切に調査され、犯罪の加害者は裁判にかけられなければなりません。同じ決議は明らかにロシアを侵略者と名指ししている。これは基本的な事実です。私たちは、攻撃されたまさにその国に対して恥知らずに非難の弾幕を発射することによって、その犯罪から注意をそらそうとする試みにだまされることはありません。ありがとうございました。


議長 (ロシア)



アルバニア    1:33:13

ロシアとウクライナのいわれのない不当な軍事的攻撃を共有し、全世界で 3か月目に突入しました。国際法国連憲章に対する同様の継続的な違反、ウクライナでの継続的な共同体主義の悲劇、および世界中での反響を目の当たりにし続けています。私たちは反対派と意見を継続的に明確にしてきました。国連安全保障理事会の議場や外部はご存知でしょうが、いくつかの重要な点を強調したいと思います。第一に、ロシア軍は人口密集地域を無差別に砲撃し爆撃し続け、民間人を殺害し、病院、学校、民間インフラを攻撃しています。国連人権高等弁務官が繰り返し述べているように、行動は私を戦争犯罪に導きました。彼の事務所の最新の数字によると、この国には6546人の民間人の死傷者がいます。民間人に危害を加えないふりをした軍隊によって、3193人が死亡し、3353人が負傷した。第二に、紛争は第二次世界大戦以来、世界で最も急速に拡大する避難民の危機を引き起こしました。 1,200 万人を超えるウクライナの人口の 4 分の 1 以上が家を追われました。現在、770 万人以上が国内避難民と推定されており、520 万人以上が国境を越えてすべての国で安全と安全を求めており、そのほとんどが女性と子供です。 1,200 万人以上の人々が緊急の人道支援を必要としています。これには、食糧、医薬品、シェルターが含まれます。偽情報キャンペーンの枠組みの中で今日も聞いたように、ロシアは、ウクライナのロシア語を話す人々の権利を侵害を、偽って主張して隣国に侵入しました。これらの懸念に対処できた有能で効率的な国際機関があります。国際司法裁判所は、ウクライナ人が犯したとされる犯罪の証拠を発見せず、ロシアに対し、ウクライナへの軍事侵略を直ちに停止するよう正式に命じました。 4つの政府と国際司法機関が、ウクライナでの犯罪に対応して、多くの説明責任の取り組みを開始しました. 3 月 2 日、ICC 検察官は正式な捜査の開始を発表した。さて、さまざまな国の当局が、普遍的管轄権の原則に基づいて独自の犯罪捜査を開始しています。 3 月 4 日、国連人権理事会は、戦争犯罪と人権侵害を文書化するための国際調査委員会を設立することを決定しました。アルバニアは、紛争が始まってからわずか数日後に、ウクライナの状況を ICC検事総長に付託した 43 の国と EU 諸国の 1 つです。国際市民社会組織と独立メディアは、ウクライナで正義を追求する上で重要な役割を果たしています。これには、ドキュメンテーション、キャパシティ ビルディング、研究、アドボカシー、被害者や影響を受けるコミュニティへのアウトリーチが含まれます。また、市民団体は、これまでの彼らの素晴らしい仕事に感謝しています。彼らは、必要な法的証拠の文書化と修復に多大な貢献をしています。説明責任を確実にするために、ウクライナの人々は正義を必要としています。これで、加害者は最後に犯罪を逃れることができなくなります。ロシアは虚偽の説明を繰り返し続けていますが、国際司法裁判所を納得させることはできませんでした。それは国連総会を納得させることができず、彼は世界を納得させることができず、私たちが代わりに可能な唯一の正しいことを行い、その侵略を止め、これらすべての軍隊を撤退させ、ウクライナの主権と領土保全を尊重するようロシアに呼びかける.


議長 (ロシア)

ありがとうございました。彼女(訳注:ロシア報告に登場するジャーナリスト)はまだ偽情報で告発されていると思います。おそらく修辞的な質問があります。そして、あなたはその情報を目撃者の証言と考えていますか、これはこの情報ですか、それともインタビューで情報を見ることができますか インタビューの意味をひっくり返すために編集されたロイターによるアゾフスタルの生存者と、これは情報であり、これは修辞的な質問ですが、回答を求められません。今度はガーナに発言権を与えます。(アルバニアに)すみません、どうぞお答えください。





議長 (ロシア)



ガーナ     1:38:57



議長 (ロシア)



アイルランド    1:40:40

議長、ありがとうございます。ウクライナに対するロシアの戦争は、すでに想像を絶する人的被害を引き起こしたと呼んでいます。期間の測定を数週間から数か月に変更したためです。また、死亡者数が増加し続けることは疑いの余地がありません。軍隊がウクライナ国境を越えた瞬間から。ロシアの侵略は国際法に違反しており、現在も続いています。私たちは、国連憲章をその最も基本的な原則に至るまで完全に無視し、国際法秩序を弱体化させようとしているのを見てきました。私たちはジュネーブ諸条約とその最初の追加議定書、原子力発電所への攻撃から家、病院、幼稚園、鉄道駅への砲撃に至るまで、ロシア軍によって浮かび上がった国際人道法の基本的な文書を見てきました。ロシア軍は、無差別で不均衡な攻撃の禁止と、攻撃の際に実行可能なすべての予防措置を講じる義務に明らかに違反したようです。私たちは、即決処刑における民間人の故意の殺害、およびロシア軍による拷問とレイプの使用に関する報告を引き続き耳にします。これらはすべて戦争犯罪を構成する可能性があります。国際法に対するこの軽視に直面して、ロシアの侵略を受けて犯された犯罪の説明責任を求める声が前例のないほど高まっています。これらの呼びかけは、人権理事会の調査委員会の設立、ウクライナの国連人権監視団による国際刑事裁判所の文書の検察官の調査、OSCによる報告、専門家のモスクワ機構の使命など、国際社会の迅速な行動によって一致しました。ロシアが絶え間なく批判し、これらの機関との関与を拒否していることは、ロシアがウクライナで説明責任を果たすことをいかに軽視しているかを物語っている。説明責任は、私たちが真実に到達することを必要とします。そして、これを実現するために、独立した国際調査官は、情報へのアクセスだけでなく、ウクライナのすべての影響を受けた地域への安全で妨げられないアクセスを必要とします。免責がないことを保証するために、証拠を保存する必要があります。最終的に、ウクライナで犯された戦争犯罪に対する個々の刑事責任は、国際規則と法律を完全に遵守した法廷または法廷での公正な裁判によって決定されなければなりません。偽情報が私たちの正義への支持を妨げるロシアの転覆戦術は、テロリストへの反対、ウクライナとその国民への正義への支持を妨げるものではありません。結論として、事務総長がウクライナでの戦争について述べたように、そして私が引用したように、残念なことに、常に真実です。民間人は常に最も高い代償を払うものであり、もちろんロシアでは、この苦しみを抑える非常に簡単な方法が 1つあります。この不当な戦争を止めてください。ありがとう、議長。


議長 (ロシア)



米国     1:44:00

長い正式な声明を発表することによって、今日の議論を正当化するつもりはありません。ロシアの行動は何度も何度もそれ自体を物語っています。 今日も例外ではありません。ロシアが国連の安全保障理事会を悪用したことは目新しいことではありません。モスクワの残忍で不当で挑発されていない戦争をきっかけに、虚偽を吐き出すために何度もブリーフィングと非公式の地域フォーミュラの議論を求めています。 そして、この傾向は、今年のウクライナの本格的な侵略のずっと前に始まりました。ロシア連邦の国連への使命は、何年もの間、安全保障理事会を利用して偽情報、嘘、虚偽の物語を広めることでした。ロシア連邦の代表は、嘘を繰り返すことはそれらを真実にすると考えているようです。しかし、それはロシアの戦術を全世界が見ることができるようにするだけです。ロシアはかつてないほど孤立しています。米国が以前に言ったように、ロシアはウクライナに対する侵略戦争を止め、安全保障理事会を使って嘘や偽情報を広めるのをやめなければなりません。


議長 (ロシア) 



英国    1:45:06

プロパガンダについては、よく言われる嘘が真実になると、しばしば言われて来ました。私たちはそれを阻止する義務があります。ロシア連邦は、ロシアに対する不法で正当な理由のないウクライナ侵略を正当化するために、ネオナチとNATOの架空の脅威についての虚偽の物語を組織的に広めようとしています。しかし、事実は別の話を物語っているので、それは成功しません。真実は、ロシアが 2014 年のクリミアの違法併合の責任を負っていたということです。ロシアは、ウクライナ東部での分離主義者の紛争を扇動し、煽り立てました。ロシアは分離主義者を支援し、ロシアの be UK ミサイルでマレーシアの MH 17 便をウクライナ上空で撃墜し、298 人の罪のない民間人を殺害した。そして、ロシアはウクライナ国境に 100,000 人以上の軍隊を訓練の偽装の下に集結させ、主権民主主義国家に対して本格的で挑発的でない計画的な攻撃を開始しました。この侵略は国際社会から圧倒的に非難され、ウクライナ国民は勇敢に抵抗してきました。クレムリンは偽情報作戦を使ってウクライナの主権を弱体化させ、虚偽の偽りのふりを作成し、真実を覆い隠し、ウクライナ国民への攻撃の残虐性を隠しています。今日の会議は別の例です。ウクライナ領土内での犯罪に関する信頼できる申し立てを調査する必要があります。私たちは、ウクライナ検事総長戦争犯罪の捜査と ICC の活動を支援しています。我々は、ゼレンスキー大統領が、ウクライナにおけるすべての戦争犯罪の加害者が裁きを受けるべきであると約束したことを歓迎します。ロシア政権からのそのようなコミットメントはありません。これは、ロシア軍が軍事的勝利を主張しようと必死になって凶悪な犯罪を犯しているからです。アルパン、ブチャ、マリウポリなどでは、ロシア人が民間人を殺害し、集団墓地に埋めた。ロシアは民間人を保護する学校を攻撃し、ウクライナ人を誘拐してロシアに強制連行した。これらは、プーチンウクライナでの目的を達成できずにいる絶望的な行為です。ロシアの侵略に直面して、私たちは、国連憲章を擁護するために自由な主権と独立したウクライナを支持し、偽情報のフォーラムとしての国連を貶めようとするロシアの試みに対抗するという決意において、断固たる姿勢を維持しなければなりません。ロシアの嘘が真実になることを決して許してはならない。ありがとうございました。


議長 (ロシア)

コメントを短くすると思いますが、国際法制度の守護者から、特にオランダの裁判所でまだ議論されている画像 17 に関するいくつかのことについて聞いたのは驚きでした。ご存知かもしれませんが、結果はすでに出ています。だからこそ、裁判所が決定を下す前にロシアがそれを行ったと確信しているのです。そしておそらくあなたの社会的、私たちが暴露した、私たちが暴露したブチャの挑発。社会 合理的に行われた。そういうわけで、私を機会として、警備員の緊急会議を代表に呼びかけることができます。


ケニア    1:48:47

議長、ありがとうございます。私たちは、国際人道法および国際人権法に違反しているという重大な申し立てに、懸念を持って耳を傾けてきました。また、先週の 4 月 27 日にウクライナで犯された残虐行為の説明責任を確保するための地域フォーミュラ ミーティングでの同様の重力の告発を思い出します。私たちの連帯は、進行中の攻撃、残虐行為、戦争犯罪に苦しんでいるウクライナの人々と共にあります。彼らの家族や友人に、心からお悔やみを申し上げます。私たちはまた、公的記録における彼らの経験の故意または偶発的な議論に伴う生存者と家族の苦痛を認識しています.そのため、情報環境を形作るために、複数の組織化された国家および非国家のアクターによる前例のない努力があることに注意する必要があります。裁判官が停戦の基礎ではなく、人権関係を持っている限り、調停と説明責任は戦略的対立の一部です。個々の代表団として、メディアから受け取ったレポートを検証する権限と能力がありませんでした。幸いなことに、国連はウクライナで進行中の人権侵害について徹底的な調査を行うための信頼性と手段です。この責任を果たすには、3 つのアクションが必要です。第一に、迅速に、すべての当事者からのすべての申し立ては、理事会によって真剣に扱われるべきであり、関連する国連機関は、人権侵害の申し立てを行っている人を含む、すべての紛争当事者に対応する必要があります。調査を実施し、調査結果を遵守する責任を負っている国連の機関や機関と協力する必要があります。議長、私たちは、これらの深刻な申し立てによる大衆のムードの高まりに合わせて拡大する可能性があるエスカレーションのリスクを認識している当事者です。怒れる国内および世界の公衆の組み合わせは、この戦争の新たなレトリックが実存的含意を追加し、高度な兵器がこの大惨事を自由市場にする可能性があると想像しています。最終的に残虐行為を別の側面として使用する組織化されたサイバー作戦の検出と妨害と同様に、すべての主流メディアおよびソーシャル メディア アウトレットは、検証プロセスに細心の注意を払う必要があります。当事者がこれらの義務を負うことをお勧めします。最後に、これらの義務を負う同盟国に当該章の第 2 条に基づく義務を思い出させます。有難うございます。


議長 (ロシア)



ガボン    1:53:08

大統領 私は私の発言をフランス語で準備しました。そして、厄介な同僚を巻き込むために中庸を採用しないように、フランス語で実現したかったのです。だから私は英語を教えることに戻ります。大統領、私たちウクライナでの戦争は72日間続いています。毎日、それを共有しているので、もちろん交戦軍の有能ですが、何よりも非常に多数の民間人です。戦闘の暴力は、民間人、財産、難民の流れ、避難民、特に女性と子供の破壊を伴い、その多くは非人道的な扱いの犠牲者です。戦争を規制し、従わない人々を保護するジュネーブ諸条約と追加議定書に対する非常に多くの違反は、もはや戦闘に参加することができません。だからこそ、残虐行為や国際人道法の乱用を非難する際には、戦争がなければ犯罪や犯罪は存在しないという厳しい現実を心に留めておくことが重要です。そして、戦いが続く限り、武器が最も表現の手段であり続ける限り、あらゆる種類の違反への扉は開かれています。大統領、明らかに、戦争はおろかです。そしてその結果、あなたが人間らしくなる日、事実を立証し、責任を決定するためには、残虐行為や大規模な犯罪の申し立てが、独立した公平な方法で、興味深く、ゲートされていることが不可欠です。私の代表団は、この機会に交戦国に戦いを終わらせるよう呼びかけます。これが現在の状況から抜け出す唯一の方法です。 私たちは、好戦的な論理から抜け出し、平和を与え、平和と平和的共存、チャンスを与えるには時間がかかると信じています。外交と、ほとんど再開しましたが、そして、最近の二国間および多国間イニシアチブは強化され、戦争終結の目的の一部とならなければなりません。いずれの当事者も、クルド人を黙らせるというカエルの意志との話し合いに誠意を持って参加しなければなりません。私の国は、南部人(訳注:不明?)がウクライナでの戦争を長引かせようとしていることを懸念しています。ウクライナでの戦争は、長引く紛争のリストに追加されるべきではありません。私たちはこの戦争を終わらせなければなりません。大統領、外交が戦争に勝つことが重要です。したがって、進行中の対話イニシアチブを奨励するための停戦の確立に対する私の国の呼びかけを繰り返し読みたいと思います。そして何よりも、共感の低い好戦的な人々に、戦闘の苦境にある人々を対象とした人道援助への包括的なアクセスを呼びかけます。感謝します。


議長 (ロシア)



ブラジル    1:57:54


ウクライナでの紛争がさらに次の週へと突入したとき、私たちは戦場に閉じ込められた数千人の絶望的な民間人のぞっとするようなシーンで激しい人間の苦しみを目の当たりにし続けています。再度、我々は、広範かつ効果的かつ即時の停戦に対する我々の信念を新たにし、ロシアとウクライナに対し、紛争の政治的解決に資する交渉を再開するよう求める。銃の沈黙と軍隊の撤退が達成された後にのみ、人々を助けることができるようになるでしょう。私たちは、ロシアとウクライナに対し、敵対行為から逃れたい民間人が安全な場所に避難できるようにするための合意に向けて努力するよう要請します。とどまることを決めた者は、攻撃の対象にならない。同様に、加盟国は、支援を必要としている人々に救援物資を安全に届け、失踪を防ぐための適切な措置を講じ、管理下にある保護対象者の状況に関する情報を共有しなければなりません。 ブラジルは、すべての加盟国に対し、国際人道法、紛争の原因、当事者が普遍的な義務から免除されないものは何であれ、それらを完全に尊重し、確実に尊重するよう呼びかけ、民間人が保護され、医療を受けられること、人道支援が必要としている人々に届き、彼らが人道的に扱われる必要があると考えていることを保証することを繰り返し求めます。あらゆる状況において、人道的行動の政治問題化や、国際人道法の選択的適用があってはなりません。また、地政学的な目標が平和への努力に取って代わり、戦争による人間の苦しみを長引かせてはなりません。ジェンダーベース、ジェンダーに関連する暴力、民間人を標的とすること、民間インフラの近くに武器を配置すること、住宅地の爆撃、無実の虐殺と養育、囚人の拷問に関する憂慮すべき報告に関して、私たちはこれらの人権侵害の独立した徹底的な調査を支持しました。オペレーターは責任を負い、国際人道法の順守を促進し、平和を求める民間人を保護しなければなりません。これらは、私たちを分断するのではなく、団結させるべき目標です。そしてありがとうございました。


議長 (ロシア)  



中国    2:01:32

中国は、ウクライナで民間人の死傷者が増加していることを深く悲しんでいます。我々は、関係当事者に対し、最大限の自制を行い、民間人への被害を最小限に抑え、民間インフラが民間人の避難と人道支援活動を促進するよう求める。同時に、囚人は、人道的最前線に関するジュネーブ条約に従って、人道的に扱われるべきであり、関係者間のストレスとコミュニケーションと調整の呼びかけであり、私たちは、ロシアとウクライナが国連と ICRC の調整により達した合意を歓迎します。アゾフスタル工場、マリウポリからの民間人の避難について。国際人道法上、民間人は武力紛争におけるいかなる形態の暴力からも免れるべきです。民間人に対する攻撃は受け入れられず、発生してはなりません。関連する状況と出来事の特定の原因を検証および確立する必要があり、あらゆる告発は事実に基づいている必要があります。全体像が明らかになる前に、すべての側が自制し、根拠のない非難を避ける必要があります。関連する国際メカニズムは、客観的かつ公平であるべきです。彼らは、政治化を避けるために、任務に厳密に従って行動する必要があります。紛争が拡大し、長期化する見通しは、対話を憂慮すべきものです。そして、さらなるエスカレーションを防ぐ唯一の実行可能な方法は交渉です。ロシアとウクライナは、以前の交渉ですでにいくつかの基盤を築いていることがわかります。そして、困難があっても警察は続けるべきだと私は信じています。国際社会は、交渉と政治的解決を可能にする条件と雰囲気を育むべきです。緊張を煽る代わりに。中国は引き続きウクライナ危機の解決に向けて建設的な役割を果たしていきます。議長、ありがとうございます。


議長 (ロシア)  



シリア    2:04:01

議長、ありがとうございます。私の代表団、シリア・アラブ共和国この重要な会議を開催してくれたロシア連邦の代表に感謝します。この会議は、加盟国がウクライナで起こっていることの真実を認識し、ロシア連邦に害を与え誤解を招く虚偽の主張と口笛キャンペーンを暴露する機会を提供します。また、貴重な情報を提供してくださった報告者の方々にも感謝いたします。私の代表団は、この情報の流布、虚偽の告発、捏造された写真やビデオが、安全保障への脅威を回避するロシア連邦の正当な権利を弱体化させることを含む、組織化されたキャンペーンの開始と、西側諸国とそのメディアファームによるロシア連邦に対する攻撃を非難しました。国連憲章によって保証されている人々のパラドックスは、今日、ロシア連邦に反対するキャンペーンを主催し、その直接的な訓練に存在する脅威に対するロシア連邦の安全保障の防衛を批判したい国は、何千マイルも離れた加盟国を標的にして、野蛮で攻撃的な行為を開始した国と同じ国であるということです。直接的または直接的な脅威を与えないでください。彼らの国家安全保障を守るという偽りのふりをして。これらの国々は都市全体を破壊し、シリアの都市ラッカとアル・バグズ地区の場合と同様に、数千人の民間人を殺害しました。ウクライナでの特別軍事作戦への西側のアプローチは、米国とそのNATO同盟国が採用した選択的で二重基準の政策の一例である。これらの国々は、2014 年のウクライナでのクーデター以来、ドネツクとルハンスクの人々に対するこの政府と洞窟当局の非人道的な慣行、そして彼らの継続的な苦しみを無視してきた。それだけでなく、これらの国々は 30 年前にロシア連邦に対して行った約束に違反し、ロシアの国家安全保障を脅かすためにNATOを東部に拡大しようとしました。彼らはまた、シリアに混乱と破壊を広めるために何千人もの外国人テロリスト戦闘員を送るのと同様の方法で、武器と外国人戦闘員でケア当局を支援することにより、意図的に緊張とウクライナをロシアとの戦いへと煽った。私の代表団は、ウクライナ軍による国際人道法の規則違反を強く非難しました。 そして、民間人を人間の盾として使うことを控え、彼らの犯罪、戦争、人道的状況をやめるよう求めます。わが国は、安定を達成し、ロシアとウクライナの人々が受け入れている数百、数千人の難民の安全と治安を確保し、人道援助の提供を確保し、民間人に安全な回廊を提供するためのロシア連邦の努力に感謝します。議長、ありがとうございます。


議長 (ロシア)

それは、他に発言権を持ちたい人はいないと思います。そして、ブリーフィング担当者が今日聞いたことについて意見を聞くために発言権を与えることは適切だと思います。手短にお願いします。コメントを超えないように、たとえば 3分とします。まず、メッセージに発言権を与えたいと思います。


ロシアから招待されたゲストスピーカー1     2:08:58

議長、ありがとうございます。私は、ロシアの特殊作戦の侵略を呼び、ロシアの侵略などの言葉を使用しているアルバニアアイルランド、イギリスの代表者に尋ねたかった。ノルウェーの紳士の女性、代表者、あなたはドンバスに行ったことがありますか?なぜ、ウクライナの空軍兵によって殺された人々について決して尋ねないのですか?それは公平ですか?ロシアが民間人を殺害したと非難する権利を与える情報をどこで入手できますか?本気ですか?ドンバスに行ったことがなく、そこで何が起こっているのかわからない、まったく知らない人からの告発を聞くのは奇妙ですか?あなたは私の質問ですか?準備はできていますか?人員は、ドンバスの民間人を訪問して会って、この 8 年間、どのように銃火の下で生活しているかを尋ねました。準備はいいですか?ノルウェー、イギリス、アイルランド。そこへ行ったことがありますか?どうもありがとう。


議長 (ロシア) 



ロシアから招待されたゲストスピーカー2    2:11:04



議長 (ロシア) 28:16



ロシアから招待されたゲストスピーカー3    2:12:24



議長 (ロシア)       2:13:48













Council Members’ Reaction to Russian Report - UNSC (Security Council) May 6th 2022 [Full Sentence]

See Excerpt first 



Council Members’ Reaction to Russian Report at  


Click time after the country name, then open the movie starting the country representative.


Chair (Russia)      1:16:20

Now I'd like to give the floor to the council members that wish to take the floor and then give the floor to India.


India    1:16:28

Thank you, Mr. Chair for giving me the floor. I thank the briefers for their updates on the topic of today's meeting. We continue to remain deeply concerned at the worsening situation in Ukraine and reiterate call for immediate cessation of violence and end to hostilities. We believe that no solution can be arrived at by shedding blood and at the cost of innocent lives. We have emphasized right from the beginning of the conflict, that the part of diplomacy and dialogue should be the only viable option. India has strongly condemned the killing of civilians in Bucha and supported the call for an independent investigation. We support all efforts to alleviate the suffering of the people of Ukraine. We believe that there will be no winning sight in this conflict, and by everyone impacted by it will continue to suffer. Diplomacy will be a lasting casualty. We welcome the visit by Secretary General to Moscow and Kyiv, and his engagement with the leadership in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We agree that the immediate priority is evacuation of civilians from areas witnessing intense fighting. We appreciate the efforts of the United Nations in evacuating civilian population from Mariupol. We hope that these efforts will extend to other areas as well. It is in our collective interest to work constructively, both inside the United Nations and outside towards seeking an early resolution to this conflict. We continue to reiterate that the global order is anchored on international law, UN Charter and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of states. Hi, thank you.


Chair (Russia)

Thank you. And now we give the floor to the representative of Mexico.


Mexico    1:18:40

Thank you, Mr. Chair. As we have stated before, Mexico is deeply concerned about reports that indicate that as a result of Russia's aggression in Ukraine, we are facing grave breaches of international human rights and international humanitarian law. We reiterate our unequivocal commitment to bring all perpetrators of international crimes to justice, and to close the gap to impunity whenever and by whomever committed. The first step towards accountability is the right to the truth. This is why Mexico support the establishment of the independent international commission of inquiry by the Human Rights Council. We are convinced that the best way to ensure access to justice is by having independent and impartial assessments of the situation on the ground. In this context, we call on all states to allow us to support the ongoing investigations of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court regarding the situation in Ukraine. full cooperation with these processes that will examine the alleged commission of international crimes by any party involved in the conflict is the best way to ensure accountability in Is regard we call once again for an immediate cessation of hostilities. If there is a genuine will to fight impunity, such efforts cannot and should not be blocked, hampered or impeded. A truthful attempt to seek justice would allow nothing less than that should enable and warranty on most transparency. Therefore, we need impartial and fact checked information by neutral sources that will also put an end to the information war that has further fueled the animosity between the parties and the international community at large. To conclude, Mr. Mexico reiterates its call on all states that support accountability in Ukraine and elsewhere, to adhere to the Rome Statute. This could be the most sensible thing to do incongruency with the messages and calls we have heard today, and in the past weeks, I thank you.


Chair (Russia)

I think you recognize the permanent representative of France.


France     1:21:14

Mr. President, I participate in this meeting, organized by the Russian Mission. To convey a simple message. Russia will not succeed in transforming into realities, the fantasies its uses to justify atrocities in its war of aggressions against Ukraine. In the face of this treacherous disinformation maneuvers, we, in the United Nations must rely first and foremost on the facts established by the competent bodies of the United Nations system. The General Assembly has repeatedly and forcefully denounced Russia's aggression in violation of the UN Charter. The International Court of Justice they established on March 16, that Russia's military operations in Ukraine shall be suspended. Given the count of the atrocities committed by the Russian army in Ukraine, we must ensure there is no impunity for the perpetrators of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights. France supports all efforts to ensure that the facts established impartially and independently, and that those responsible for crimes committed in Ukraine are held accountable. We support the work of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. We supported the establishment by the Human Rights Council commission of inquiry, and referred the situation in Ukraine to the ICC prosecutor. We welcome the opening of the investigation and the deployment of a team on the ground. France is providing concrete support to the ICC, including through a voluntary contribution of 500,000 euros. We call on all states to support and cooperate with an impartial fact, fact finding mechanism and international courts. We have also sent investigators on the ground to support the Ukrainian authorities investigations a false I would also like to come to the political narrative that Russia presents about the situation in Ukraine before the aggression of February 24 2022. France has worked tirelessly since 2015, together with Germany for the implementation of the Minsk agreements, to which both Russia and Ukraine as described in order to put an end to the war in Donbass, the implementation of these agreements was not an easy task. But it was a peaceful way to resolve the situation in the region. It was Russia and Russia alone, that choose to put an end to the path of dialogue and negotiation and to resort to violence and destruction. Mr. President, in the headlong rush to justify What cannot be justify the Russian authorities are resorting to the worst outrageous historical manipulation that the Russian Prime Minister and his ministry are indulging in on the atrocities of the Second World War is just object. We can then this unacceptable and abhorrent rhetoric will continue to fight against Russian disinformation in Ukraine. These outrages are dangerous. The Russian authorities by trivializing hate speech, enabling the worst atrocities to take place, they must be held accountable. Thank you very much.


Chair (Russia)

I think we wish the French investor was here from the beginning to listen, to listen, firsthand to the witnesses that was presented. And as I said, when he was absent, we never edited to sense of what they were saying. Indeed, I think the the idea to find the perpetrator so the war crimes that are committed in Ukraine are being committed Ukraine, in particular by Ukrainian national nationalist battalions, the which there are testimonies that were presented today is also a thing which our investigative committee is engaged with. I'm sure that that will be documented, and that is already being documented that will be presented. Now I give the floor to the United Arab.


United Arab    1:26:38

Thank you, Mr. Chair, I think the briefers for their participation and would like to make brief remarks. First, I would once again underline that it is civilians who were the highest close to four. We are concerned by the scale of disinformation and hate speech that has been amplified by technology and has been harmful to both civilians and humanitarian workers. We must instead focus on determining the facts on the ground through impartial investigation, data collection, and reporting. We appreciate all journalists who risked their lives on the frontlines of conflict in an effort to provide accurate reporting, even in the most difficult situations. Second, we reiterate our call on the parties to the conflict to strictly and fully abide by the their obligation under international humanitarian law. We stress the need for accountability so that justice for victims and survivors is served. Third, we appreciate the efforts of the Secretary General including his visit to Russia and Ukraine. We welcome and are encouraged by the progress we have seen in recent days in the safe evacuation of civilians through coordination of the UN authorities of Ukraine and Russian Federation and the International Committee of the Red Cross. We are hopeful that further progress can be made to facilitate voluntary and safe passage for civilians caught up in this conflict. To conclude, we reiterate our deep concern about the terrible toll this conflict has had on civilians in Ukraine. And our calls for cessation of hostilities and negotiate solutions to this conflict. Theory stands in support of efforts to facilitate dialogue and bring an end to this war. As dez de stress yesterday, it is imperative for the sake of the people of Ukraine, Russia and the entire world. I thank you, chair.


Chair (Russia)

Now I give the floor to the representative of Norway.


Norway    1:28:55

Thank you chair. Allow me at the outset to express Norway's concern regarding the framing of the topic for today's discussion and the allegations presented in the concept note. Yet again, we're witnessing the Russian Federation's misuse of the United Nations and its privileged position within it as a platform for disinformation and as a smokescreen to draw attention away from the brutal warfare it is waging against the Ukrainian people. The intensity of this disinformation campaign is alarming. Russia has failed to offer any credible evidence for its accusations or to cooperate with international bodies tasked with gathering facts and documentation. Russia has instead made unsubstantiated claims and insinuations. Today's meeting is nothing more than another attempt to spread confusion and deflect attention from Russia's role as aggressor in the illegal invasion of Ukraine. The UN Charter applies to all nations, including Russia. There is no doubt that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a blatant violation of international law, including the UN Charter. It is not a special military operation. It is an illegal aggression against another sovereign country. It is a war of choice. Norway is appalled by Russia's methods of warfare. Numerous credible reports have described in horrible detail the relentless attacks and unimaginable atrocities committed against civilians. These atrocities shock the very conscience of humanity. There are clear and abundant indications of systematic and large scale war crimes being committed by the Russian Armed Forces and their proxies, as outlined in the OSAE Moscow mechanism report. The adoption of the General Assembly of the resolution aggression against Ukraine, calling on all parties to strictly respect international humanitarian law, and international human rights law sends an important signal from the international community. violations of international law cannot go unchallenged. International law is not optional. All reports of atrocities must be properly investigated, and the perpetrators of any crimes be brought to justice. The same resolution clearly names Russia as the aggressor. This is a fundamental fact. We will not be fooled by attempts to divert attention from its own crimes by shamelessly launching a barrage of accusations at the very state it has attacked. Thank you.


Chair (Russia) 

Thank you. I was a bit surprised when we were accused? Not the first time of course, for useful un as a platform for innovation, we today, we are not speaking we're just giving providing for the people who have first hand experience on what is happening at the frontline and how they survived and who are those who committed atrocities? And these are not our words. I mean, as I said, we sense that anything that they want to say this is the count of journalists who interviewed those people if you don't want to hear that's another question if you prefer to stay comfortably, Comfortably Numb as being that's your choice but But today's the purpose of today's event, to give the floor to those who can who can give the testimony not to spread propaganda. Now I give the floor to Albania.


Albnia    1:33:13

share the unprovoked and unjustified military aggression of Russia and Ukraine has entered the third month in the entire world continue to witnessing the same continued violation of international law and the UN Charter, a continued communitarian tragedy in Ukraine and repercussions throughout the globe. We have made opposition's and views continuously clear, you know the UN Security Council schamber and outside, but we'd like to highlight a few key points. First, Russian Armed Forces continue to indiscriminately shell and bombed populated areas, killing civilians and attacking hospitals, schools and civilian infrastructure. actions led me amount to war crimes, as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has repeatedly stated. According to the latest figures of his office, there are 6546 civilian casualties in the country. 3193 killed and 3353 injured by an army which pretended that it won't harm civilians. Second, the conflict has caused the world's fastest growing displacement crisis since the Second World War. Over a quarter of Ukraine's population with more than 12 million people have fled their homes. More than 7.7 million people now estimated to be internally displaced, and over 5.2 million people who have crossed borders to seek security and safety in all the countries, most of them women and children. More than 12 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian aid, including food, medical supplies and shelter should be no doubt whatsoever with the aggressor and who is the victims. As we heard today in the framework of the disinformation campaign as well, Russia has invaded its neighbor pretending violations of the rights of the Russian speaking population in Ukraine. There are competent and efficient international institutions where these concerns could have been addressed. The International Court of Justice has found no evidence of the alleged crimes committed by Ukrainians, and has formally ordered Russia to immediately stop its military aggression in Ukraine. For four governments and international judicial bodies have initiated a number of accountability efforts in response to the crimes in Ukraine. On March 2, the ICC prosecutor announced the opening of a formal investigation. Well, authorities in different countries have opened their own criminal investigations under the principle of universal jurisdiction. On March 4, you, the UN Human Rights Council voted to establish an international commission of inquiry to document war crimes and human rights abuses. Albania is among the 43 countries and EU countries that referred the situation in Ukraine to the Prosecutor General of the ICC, just a few days after the beginning of the conflict. The international civil society organizations and independent media have an essential role to play in pursuing justice in Ukraine. Including documentation, capacity building, research and advocacy, as well as with outreach to victims and affected communities we commit. And the civil organizations have thanked them for their remarkable work done so far. They are giving a substantial contribution in documenting and repairing the necessary legal evidence. To ensure accountability, the Ukrainian people need justice. Now the perpetrators will not be allowed to get away with crime last. Russia keeps repeating its false narrative, but it did not manage to convince International Court of Justice. It has not managed to convince the United Nations General Assembly and he does not manage to convince the world. We call on Russia instead to do the only right thing possible, stop its aggression, withdraw all these troops and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine?


Chair (Russia) 

Thank you. I think still was she's accused of disinformation I have a question perhaps rhetorical to you. And what do you consider the information the testimony of the witnesses, this is this information or you can see the information an interview with with with a survivor of Azofstal by Reuters which was redacted to turn the meaning of the interview upside down this is information this is rhetoric question but you're not requested to answer. Now I'll give the floor to Ghana. Sorry you want to answer, please.


Albania (again)

During this time here I was wondering all can be such independent journalists recognize the so called Republic's in Ukraine on personal capacity on each capacity. Thank you.


Chair (Russia) 

They're not they're not countries to recognize any any legal entity. They are just working. They have been there they've been they've been interviewing the people. I don't know what you mean by recognition. They are just journalists doing their job people that is where. Now I give the floor to Ghana.


Ghana    1:38:57

Mr. chair, we thank you for your remarks and have taken note of the information provided by the presenters. Such deep suffering of any people is indeed troubling and should not be the characterization of conflict at this time of humanity's history. Ghana maintains that all violations of international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, as well as atrocities committed by whomever in Ukraine should be the subject of independent, impartial and thorough investigations, to establish the facts, assign responsibility and hold all perpetrators accountable for their actions and inactions. We stress the importance of our collective support to ensure accountability and prevent impunity, and underscore in this context, the role of the media in highlighting the facts and documenting admissible evidence to support effective accountability. We remain deeply concerned about the military escalations, which has given rise to the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation and edge compliance with obligations and commitments under international law, international humanitarian law and human rights laws. We reiterate the necessity of an immediate cessation of hostilities, which has formed a breeding ground for the systematic violations of the rights of the people, and the very principles and values that bind the international community. We conclude by emphasizing that a sustainable solution to the conflict can only be arrived through diplomacy and a constructive dialogue among the parties and stakeholders. I thank you for your kind attention. Thank you very much.


Chair (Russia) 

Now I give the floor to Ireland.


Ireland    1:40:40

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Russia's war against Ukraine has already called caused unimaginable human suffering. As we have moved from measuring its duration in weeks to months. We are also left with no doubt that the death toll will continue to mount. From the moment its troops crossed the Ukrainian border. Russia's invasion has been and continues to be in violation of international law. We have seen a complete disregard for the UN Charter down to its most basic principles, seeking to undermine the international legal order. We have seen the Geneva Conventions and their first additional protocol, foundational instruments of international humanitarian law floated by Russian Armed Forces, from attacks on nuclear power plants, to the shelling of homes, hospitals, kindergartens, and train stations. Russian forces appear clearly to have violated the prohibitions against indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, and the obligation to take all feasible precautions in attack. We continue to hear reports of the deliberate killing of civilians in summary executions, and the use of torture and rape by the Russian military, all of which can constitute war crimes. In the face of this disrespect for international law, there have been unprecedented calls for accountability for crimes committed in the wake of Russia's invasion. These calls have been matched by the international community's swift action, including the establishment of the Human Rights Council's commission of inquiry, the investigation of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court documentation by the UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine, and reporting by the OSC, Moscow mechanisms mission of experts. Russia's constant criticism and refusal to engage with these bodies speaks volumes on how little it values achieving accountability in Ukraine. Accountability requires us to get to the truth. And in order for this to happen, independent international investigators requires safe and unhindered access to all affected areas in Ukraine, as well as access to information. Evidence needs to be preserved in order to ensure that there will be no impunity. Ultimately, individual criminal responsibility for war crimes committed in Ukraine must be determined by a fair trial before a court or tribunal in full compliance with international rules and laws. Russia's tactics of subversion that disinformation deter us in our support for justice will not to terrorists and our support for justice for Ukraine and its people. In conclusion, as the Secretary General has said about the war in Ukraine, and I quote, something that is unfortunately, always true. Civilians always pay the highest price, and of course, into Russia, we say there is one very simple way to hold this suffering. Stop this unjustifiable war. Thank you, Chair.


Chair (Russia) 

I thank you and I now give the floor to the to the United States.


United States    1:44:00

We're not going to legitimize today's discussion by delivering a lengthy formal statement. Russia's actions speak for themselves time and time again. Today is no different. Russia's misuse of the Security Council in the UN is not new. In the wake of Moscow's brutal, unjustified and unprovoked war, is calling for briefings and informal area formula discussions numerous times to spew falsehoods. And this trend started long before the full scale invasion of Ukraine this year. The Russian Federation's mission to the UN has been using the Security Council to spread disinformation, lies and false narratives for years. The representative of the Russian Federation seems to think that repeating lies makes them true. But it only makes Russia's tactics more transparent for the entire world to see. Russia has never been more isolated. As the United States has said before, Russia must stop its war of aggression against Ukraine and stop using the Security Council to spread lies and disinformation.


Chair (Russia) 

I think you know, I give the floor to the United Kingdom.


United Kingdom    1:45:06

It is often been said about propaganda that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. We have a duty to stop that from happening. The Russian Federation systematically attempts to spread false narratives about Neo Nazis and imaginary NATO threats against Russia to justify its illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. But it won't succeed because the facts tell a different story. The truth is, Russia was responsible for the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. Russia instigated and fueled the secessionist conflict in eastern Ukraine was dragged on for almost eight years, and led to the deaths of over 13,000 people. Russian backed separatists with a Russian BUK missile shot down Malaysian flight MH 17 over Ukraine, killing 298 innocent civilians. And then Russia amassed over 100,000 troops on Ukraine's border under the false pretense of exercises and launched a full scale, unprovoked premeditated attack against a sovereign democratic state. This invasion has been overwhelmingly condemned by the international community, and the Ukrainian people have resisted it heroically. The Kremlin uses disinformation operations to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty to create false, false pretense, to obscure the truth and to hide the brutality of its assault on Ukraine's people. Today's meeting is a further example. credible allegations of crimes on the territory of Ukraine should be investigated. We are supporting Ukrainian Prosecutor General with her investigations into war crimes, as well as the work of the ICC. We welcome President Zelensky is commitment that the perpetrators of all war crimes in Ukraine should face justice. There is no such commitment from the Russian regime. This is because Russian forces are perpetrating heinous crimes in their desperation to claim military victory. In Irpin, Bucha, Mariupol and elsewhere, Russians have murdered civilians and buried them in mass graves. Russia has attacked schools sheltering civilians, and abducted and forcibly removed Ukrainians to Russia. These are acts of desperation as Putin fails to achieve his objectives in Ukraine. In the face of Russian aggression, we must remain resolute in our support for a free sovereign and independent Ukraine in our defense of the UN Charter, and in our determination to counter Russian attempts to debase the United Nations as a forum for disinformation. We must never allow Russian lies to become the truth. Thank you.


Chair (Russia)

I think to short comments, it was surprising to me to hear from from the guardian of the international legal system, about a few things, particularly on image 17, which is still being discussed at the Dutch court. Perhaps you know, the results already. That's why you're so so assured that that Russia has done it before the court made a decision. And perhaps your social, that Bucha provocation that we exposed, that we exposed. Social It was done by rational. That's why you can take me as a chance to call for an urgent meeting of security council. Now I’ll give the floor to the representative of Kenya.


Kenya    1:48:47

Thank you, Mr. Chair. We have listened with concern to the serious allegations of violation of international humanitarian Law and in an international human rights law. We also recall the charges of similar gravity during the area formula meeting on ensuring accountability for atrocities committed in Ukraine last week on 27th of April. Our solidarity is with the people of Ukraine who are suffering from the attacks, atrocities and war crimes underway. We offer their families and friends our deepest condolences. We also recognize the agony of survivors and families that comes with deliberate or accidental disputation of their experiences in public record. As such, we must observe that there are unprecedented efforts by multiple organized state and non-state actors to shape the information environment. To the extent that judges have human rights relations, rather than being the basis of a ceasefire, mediation and accountability are part of the strategic conflict. As individual delegations, we lacked the mandate and ability to verify the reports we are receiving from the media. Fortunately, the United Nations as the credibility and means to undertake a thorough investigation into the human rights violations underway in Ukraine. To deliver on this responsibility, three actions are required. Number one, fast, all allegations from all parties should be treated seriously by the council, and relevant UN bodies to all conflicting parties, including those making allegations of human rights abuses, or accused should agree to prompt independent and impartial investigations that all conflicting parties should cooperate with the UN organs and agencies charged with the responsibility to conduct investigations and abide by the findings thereof. Chair, we are conflicting parties to be aware of the risk of escalation that may grow in line with the inflamed public mood due to these serious allegations. The combination of angry domestic and global publics imagines the emerging rhetoric of this war adding existential implications and advanced weaponry can make this catastrophe free market view was we father, all mainstream media and social media outlets to be extremely careful in their verification processes, as well as detection and disruption of organized cyber operations that use atrocities as one more dimension of the war. Finally, we recommend that the parties of these obligations, so finally, we remind the parties of their obligations under Article Two of the charter. I thank you.


Chair (Russia)

I think, you know, I give the floor to the representative of Gabon.


Gabon    1:53:08

President, I prepared my my remarks in French. And I wanted to deliver in France, for us not to employ moderate to include a nasty colleague. So I will try to return to teaching English. So Mr. President, we the war in Ukraine has been going on for 72 days now. Every day, as it share of that, of course competent of the belligerent forces, but above all civilians in very large number. The violence of the fighting is at companied by the destruction of civilians, properties, flows of refugees, and displaced persons, in particular, women and children, many of whom are victims of inhuman treatment. So many violations of the Geneva Conventions and the additional protocols which regulate war, and protect people who do not take are no longer able to take part in the fighting. This is why in the drive to condemn atrocities and abuses of international humanitarian law, it is important to bear in mind the stark reality that there is no crime, crimes or crimes without war. And as long as the fighting continues, as long as weapons continue to be the most the mode of expression, the door is open to violations of all kind. Clearly, Mr. President the war is absurd. And its consequences, the day you humanizing. It is essential that allegations of atrocities abuses and mass crimes be interesting, interesting, gated, in independent and impartial way in order to establish the facts and determine the responsibilities. My delegation takes this opportunity to call on the belligerent to put an end to the fighting. This is the only way out of the current situation. We believe that there is take time to get out of the logic of belligerence, and give peace, give peace and peaceful coexistence, a chance. Diplomacy, most resumed its course, and the bilateral and multilateral initiatives of recent days must be intensified and be part of the objective of ending the world. Each of the parties must engage in good faith in the discussions with the frog will to silence the Kurds. My country is concerned about the southerners tending to prolong the war in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine should not be added to the list of protracted conflict. We must end this war. Mr. President, it is crucial that diplomacy prevail of war. I would therefore like to read reiterate my country's call for the establishment of a ceasefire to encourage ongoing dialogue initiatives and above all, to call on the belligerent to a low empathy, embedded access for humanitarian aid intended to people in in distress crowd in the grip of the fighting. I thank you.


Chair (Russia)

I thank you. Now I give the floor to representative of Brazil.


Brazil    1:57:54

Thank you, Mr. Chair. We thank you for the information you provided. I also think that journalists for their briefings. We also think our mission for making the information, the information presented retrievable by the QR code link.

As we entry, as we entered into another yet another week of the conflict in Ukraine, we continue to witness intense human suffering with appalling scenes 1000s of desperate civilians trapped in the battlefield. Once again, we renew our belief for a broad, effective and immediate ceasefire and call on Russia and Ukraine to resume negotiations conducive to a political solution to the conflict. Only after the silence of the guns and the withdrawal of troops are achieved, will it be possible to help the main story of human lives is conflict as brought upon. We call on Russia and Ukraine to work towards agreements to allow civilians wishing to flee the hostilities to those in safety. Those who decide to stay cannot become targets of attacks. The same thing, parties must grant safe passage to relief consignments to those in need, adopt adequate measures to present to prevent disappearances and share information on the status of protected persons under their control. Brazil reiterates the call for all parties to fully respect and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, the causes of the conflict, whatever they do not exempt the parties from their universal obligations, to guarantee that civilians be protected, that they receive medical care, that humanitarian assistance reach those in need, and that they think needs to be treated humanely. In all circumstances, there must be no politicization of humanitarian actions, not selective application of international humanitarian law. Also, geopolitical objectives must not supersede the endeavor for peace, nor prolong the human suffering caused by war. Regarding the disturbing reports about gender base, gender related violence, targeting of civilians, placing off weapons near civilian infrastructures, bombing of residential areas, massacre of innocence and nurture, torture of prisoners, we favored the independent and thorough investigation of these human rights violations. operators must be held accountable, promoting compliance with international humanitarian law, protecting civilians calling for peace. These are the objectives that should unite rather than divide us. And I thank you.


Chair (Russia)  

Thank you. Now give the floor to the representative of China.


China    2:01:32

Thank you, Mr. Chair. China is deeply saddened by the increasing civilian casualties in Ukraine. We call on relevant parties to exercise maximum restraint, minimize damage to civilians, and civilian infrastructure facilitated civilian evacuation and humanitarian operations. At the same time, prisoners was should be treated humanely in accordance with Geneva Conventions on humanitarian front, the call for the stress and communication and coordination among parties concerns, and we welcome the agreement reached by Russia and Ukraine with the coordination of UN and ICRC on the evacuation of civilians from Azofstal plant in Mariupol. On the international humanitarian law, civilians should be spared of any forms of violence in armed conflicts. Attacks against civilians are not acceptable and shall not occur. The relevant circumstances and specific causes of incidents should be verified and established and any accusations should be based on facts. Before the full picture is clear, all sides should be exercised restraint and avoid unfounded accusations. The relevant international mechanisms should remain objective and impartial. They should work in strict accordance with the mandate to avoid politicization. The prospect of extended and prolonging the conflict is worrying dialogue. And then negotiation is the only viable way to prevent the further escalation. We all see that Russia and Ukraine have already accumulated some bases in previous negotiations. And I believe cops should continue despite difficulties. The international community should have foster enabling conditions and atmosphere for the negotiations and the political settlement. Instead of fueling tensions. China is part of will continue to continue its constructive role in solving the Ukraine crisis. I thank you, Mr. Chair.


Chair (Russia) 

Thank you, and now I give the floor to Syria.


Syria    2:04:01

Thank you, Mr. Chair. My delegation, the Syrian Arab Republic. Thanks, representative of the Russia Federation for organizing this important meeting, which provides an opportunity for the member states to realize the truth of what is happening in Ukraine and expose the false allegations and misleading whistling campaigns and harming the Russian Federation. I would also like to thank the briefers for the valuable information provided. My delegation condemned the orchestrated campaign launch and by Western countries and their media farms against the Russian Federation, which includes the dissemination of this information, false accusations, fabricated photos and video undermine the legitimate right of the Russian Federation to ward off threats to the security of its people as a guaranteed by the UN Charter. The paradox is that the countries that wish were hosted campaigned against the Russian Federation today and criticize its defense of its security against threats existing on its direct workouts are the same countries that have launched barbaric, aggressive acts, targeting member states that are 1000s of miles further away, and don't pose any direct or direct threat. Under the false pretense of defending their national security. These countries destroyed entire cities and killed 1000s of civilians, as was the case with the Syrian city of Raqqa and Al Baghouz area. The western approach towards the special military operation in Ukraine is an example of the selective and double standard policies used by the United States and its NATO allies, as these countries have ignored this government and inhuman practices of cave authorities against the people of Donetsk and Luhansk, and their continuous suffering for years since the coup in Ukraine 2014. Not only that, but those countries violated the pledges they made to the Russian Federation three decades ago, and sought to extend NATO to the east to threaten Russian national security. They also deliberately fueled tension and then Ukraine into a battle with Russia by supporting care authorities with weapons and foreign fighters in a manner similar to the sending 1000s of foreign terrorist fighters to spread chaos and destruction in Syria. My delegation strongly condemned the violation of the rules of the international humanitarian law by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the national motto minutely battle lands, and call on them to refrain from using civilians as human shields and to desist from their crimes, those wars and the humanitarian situation. My Country appreciates the efforts of the Russian Federation to achieve stability, ensure the safety and security of the Russian and Ukrainian People's host hundreds of 1000s of refugees, ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid and provide safe corridors for civilians. Thank you, Mr. Chair.


Chair (Russia)

I think I guess there was no other would like to take the floor unless, unless indicated otherwise. And I think that would be appropriate to give the floor to briefers to hear their opinion what they heard today. I would, I would request to be brief. not to exceed the comments beyond, say three minutes, and first I'd like to give the floor to who messages from.


Guest Speaker 1 invited by Russia    2:08:58

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I wanted to ask the represented representatives of Albania and Ireland, United Kingdom, who co who calls Russian Special Operation aggression, and use such words like Russian invasion and etc. Gentleman's lady from Norway, delegates, have you ever been in Donbass? And why you'll never ask about people who are killed by Ukrainian army? Is it fair? Where to get information that gives you the right to accuse Russia of killing civilians? Are you sure? It is strange to hear accusers from those who have never been to Donbass and have no idea and have no idea what is happening there? Are you my question is are you ready? personnel to visit and meet civilians in Donbass to ask them how they live under fire all these eight years. And who should take Are you ready? Norway, United Kingdom, Ireland. Have you ever been there? Thank you so much.


Chair (Russia) 

Thank you miss Rizwan as I said earlier, it is not in the traditional the formula meetings to ask the participants it would like it would have been otherwise they they should have been asking you questions if they chose to do so. But nobody, nobody that everybody spoke just spoke with had no interactive dialogue in which I think that not too many here in this room. already. Let me consider your your question to those delegations that you mentioned rhetorical. Will will continue further. Now I'd like to give the floor to Miss Sonia, one one that.


Guest Speaker 2 invited by Russia   2:11:04

Thank you very much. I would just like make to make a remark to the members of the so called free western world who are part of the United Nations. And then I mean, Albania, I mean, Norway, England, the United States. They keep on talking of one side, it's it's likely already condemned Russia without listening to the other side. They speak highly about the International Court, of which the United States are not a member. So how can they do that? Why are they take the site they have an agenda? Do they want to World War? What? Why are we journalists not questioned? Why are we not believed? Why they will listen to us. And this is really horrible for an institute like United Nations, where the nation should be united, when it throws up questions for every nation and not thinking one side. This is not justice. This is taking one side without questioning. Thank you very much. I hope it will improve your mentality. And I hope the United Nations their actions will be improved. Thank you very much.


Chair (Russia) 

Thank you, Miss one. Now I'd like to give the floor to Mr. Salama.


Guest Speaker 3 invited by Russia   2:12:24

Also, I have remarks about the accusation of the Russian Federation of bad using of the United Nations Security Council. Just want to remind about last year with white powder. That isn't for my forum, the whole world about the growth of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. I want to remind that Russia when the United States launched aggressive war against Iraq, my my country, Iraq, and they combined my country, Russia, they thought wish that America and Britain and they allies to be defeated and Iraq realizing that it could only move the West to even greater crimes against humanity even to the use of nuclear weapons. And I want to ask today as rhetoric, why the West wants everything to achieve the defeat of Russia. Does the West want a third world war? Thank you very much.


Chair (Russia)      2:13:48

Thank you very much, Mr. I think we're coming to an end of our meeting. And I would like to once again, the It prefers and not just briefings, but those who they interviewed, which is perhaps more important, because these are people. These are people who are not sitting at the table they they find themselves in often terrible conditions. They gave you an account why these conditions, why these conditions became possible. And unlike, unlike what we hear in the mainstream media today, they clearly said they clearly set who is to blame for what is what has happened to them and what is happening to them today. We hope that this meeting was useful. To present no evidence, no alternatives but drawing out to those witnesses, and of course, if you whatever their opinion, whatever their opinion was, but if your eyes, ears are close to the truth, and you read from your papers, your national statements, we cannot do anything with it, only to try to still come with the two accounts of those who can testify. Again, maybe for some of you, it is comfortable to become ugly, comfortably numb, as I said already, but it will not change. And you heard this today from residents of Eastern south of Ukraine, and the journalists who work there, so open your eyes and embrace the truth no matter how cruel uncomfortability is. I thank you very much for participating in this meeting. I think I'll prepossessing those who are behind the scenes, those who are interviewed. Thank you very much.

[End of the Council]


The situation in Ukraine - UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting organized by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation

06 May 2022


Council Members’ Reaction to Russian Report at  


Click time after the country name, then open the movie starting the country representative.


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侵略者ども来た ウクライナ

おニューの軍服 軍用車 けど 在庫は溶けていく

イラクタル バイラクタル


ロシアの戦車は隠れた 茂みに

奴らのスープ啜るため けど ちょっと加熱のし過ぎ

イラクタル バイラクタル


東から来る 羊たち

「立派な国の再建」唱えて おあつらえ向きの羊飼い

イラクタル バイラクタル


奴らの言い分 ある種の武器

パワフルロケット 鉄のマシーン 同じく言葉で返すなら

イラクタル バイラクタル


奴らは試みた 速攻 制圧

それならこっちは待ち伏せだ ロシア盗賊 ゴーストに

イラクタル バイラクタル


ロシアの警察 捜査をはじめた

見つからない殺人犯 誰を責める?庭のライチョウ

イラクタル バイラクタル



自分の言葉を飲み込む人々 奴らのツァー学ぶ ニュー・ワード

イラクタル バイラクタル

